
Symbol of love, regeneration, intuition, creativity and life-giving energies of the universe.

Both Buddhism and Hinduism hold a central place in prayer and worship for female forces that animate in the world. The goddess is believed to reside in everyone, representing the feminine aspect of our energy. The spirit, power and beauty of the goddess is believed to exist in every woman and man. Through visualization, mantra meditation, and

focusing our attention onto specific goddesses, we can benefit from the healing, loving, and powerful presence of goddess energy in our yoga and meditation practice.

Saraswati is the Hindu goddess of knowledge, music, arts, wisdom, and learning. She is usually depicted on top of a white swan with a musical instrument. Call upon her to invite creative expression and creative activities in your life. Saraswati helps us with all creative expression including music, writing, dancing, and speech. Invoke Saraswati with the japa mala meditation:

Om Aim Saraswatyai Namah
Om and salutations to Saraswatyai bestower of wisdom, knowledge, intelligence and creative energy.

Kali is the Hindu goddess of time, change, power, creation, and transformation. She is usually depicted in black wearing a garland of skulls standing on top of Shiva. Call upon her during times of endings and beginnings. Kali helps us release the old so that the new can enter. Kali helps us understand and accept the natural cycles of birth, death, and rebirth. Invoke Kail with the japa mala meditation:

Om Sri Maha Kalikayai Namah
Om and salutations to Kali, invoke her transformative power. Eradicate negative qualities.

Lakshmi is the Hindu goddess of wealth, fortune, and prosperity, in both the material and spiritual sense. She is usually depicted sitting or standing on a lotus and typically carrying a lotus in one or two hands, and often with coins at her feet or in her hands. Call upon her during times when abundance is required. Lakshmi helps us release the old so that the new can enter. Lakshmi brings abundance to those who call upon her, whether this means money, time, knowledge, or opportunity. Invoke Lakshmi with the japa mala meditation:

Om Sri Maha Lakshmyai Namah
Om and salutations to Lakshmi, goddess of abundance, generosity, the giver of supreme blessings.

Tara is a female Bodhisattva in Buddhism, representing the mother of liberation. Her many personality aspects are represented by different colors. Green Tara is the goddess of enlightened activity. Call upon her for speedy help and rapid understanding of situations and relationships. She is believed to rescue us, by empowering us to save our selves.

Om Tare Tuttare Ture Ture Swaha
Om and salutations to Tara, I entreat you, O Tara, O swift one, Hail!

Here are a few of our lovely malas that can be used for invoking various aspects of the Divine Feminine:

Mala Beads for Saraswati: Saraswati Mala Beads (coming soon), Vitality Mala Beads, Creativity Mala Bracelet
Mala Beads for Kali: Dragon Mala Beads, Perception Mala Bracelet
Mala Beads for Lakshmi: Abundance Mala, Fortune Mala Bracelet, Prosperity Mala Bracelet
Mala Beads for Tara: Green Tara Mala Beads
New Arrivals: White Tara, Kwan Yin, Moonlight Mala Beads, and Kali, Lakshmi, coming soon!