
Mudras hand positions in yoga. Each part of the hand has a connection to specific part of the brain. A Mudra locks and guides energy flow.

Mudras hand positions in yoga. Each part of the hand has a connection to specific part of the brain. A Mudra locks and guides energy flow.


Mudras are hand positions in yoga. Each area of the hand has a respective area in the brain. It is believed that practicing mudras helps guide energy flow, linking the individual with the life force of the universe, prana or chi.


  • Grounding
  • Opens the heart to joy
  • Releases tension
  • Opens the body to beauty and grace
  • Opens the heart to love
  • Excellent for easing loneliness, fatigue, and over-giving


The Lotus Mudra is the mudra of abundance. It is symbolic of the opening the lotus. The lotus flower is the symbol of transformation. A flower which grows deep in the mud to emerge as a beautiful flower, the lotus represents that even in muddy waters beauty emerges. The lotus is a strong symbol of beauty emerging from darkness. This mudra is also used to open the heart chakra. This mudra reminds us to stay connected to our roots and open to the light.

How to do the Lotus Mudra

  • Sit in easy pose.
  • Bring the base of the palms together at the heart centre
  • Touch thumbs and pinky fingers together
  • Spread the rest of the fingers out like the lotus flower
  • Close your eyes
  • Take 10 deep long full in-breaths and out-breaths

If you love the lotus symbol, check out our mala beads and yoga jewelry that feature this beautiful symbol of purity and transformation.